Next.js Starter Template ⚡

npx @berlinbruno/nextjs-starter📋
  1. Get started by editingsrc/app/page.tsx.
  2. Rename the 'name', 'author', and 'description' fields in package.json.
  3. Update the site metadata in 'constants/data.ts' for your app.
  4. Use 'seo.ts - genPageMetadata' function for page metadata.
  5. Create environment variables for dev (port: 3000) and prod (port: 4000) with NEXT_PUBLIC_BASE_URL for your app.
  6. Update the name in the LICENSE file.
  7. Clean up the '' file to provide relevant information about your project.
  8. Explore the project.
  9. Save and see your changes instantly.
🛠️ How the Template was Created🚀 Deploy now to Vercel🌐 Deploy now to Netlify📚 How to Use the Template


⚛️ A powerful React framework for building server-rendered and statically generated applications.


📘 A superset of JavaScript that adds static typing to the language, enhancing code quality and developer experience.


🔍 A linting utility for JavaScript and TypeScript, helping you find and fix problems in your code.


🎨 An opinionated code formatter that enforces a consistent style across your codebase.

Tailwind CSS

💨 A utility-first CSS framework that provides low-level utility classes for rapid UI development.

Next Theme

🎛️ A theme management library for Next.js that enables easy toggling between light and dark themes.


📱 Progressive Web Apps enhance web applications with offline capabilities and native-like features.


🐶 A Git hooks manager that helps enforce quality checks before commits and pushes.

Continuous Integration

⚙️ An automated process that ensures code quality through linting, formatting, and commit message validation on all branches and PRs.


🔍 Search Engine Optimization techniques that improve the visibility of your web application in search results.


📝 A tool that helps enforce consistent formatting for comments in your codebase.


💬 A commenting system designed for engaging users in discussions and feedback on your platform.